The 7th installment of Pelicraft began on December 2nd 2023. It was on Java 1.20.2 and over the course of the 9 months it was online, amassed over {insertplayerdata} unique players.
The spawn area formed across the water from the world spawn point. It included a giant floating rubics cube built as a first base by Cuzzy, a range of shops and Joeyakathug's Pelicraft Police Station. The annual Christmas party was also held in this spawn area.
Hateno Village was a joint effort by Tallpelican, Samtast1c, Hotgodwater...
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A major Japanese influence took over areas of the Season 7 map. Flex_not_tape began building a replica of Tokyo Tower. After completing the half the tower they went to tokyo to visit it. Upon return they completed the main visual structure of the tower, however some small details such as elevator and decorations were never finished.
NichP95 built their base taking inspiration from Japanese Castles in a nearby area.
Pelicraft Public Transport Authority, often known as the PPTA, was established by NichP95 and kenobi. They began building a railway network across the map with their rails having a gauge of 5 blocks wide. The first part of the network built was the railway bridge built near the castle.
The annual Christmas party was held at spawn with a large attendance. The christmas area included a christmas tree and some party games in a snowy environment. The regular gift giving also occurred.
After being banned in Season 3 by pressure from Skitlz, Teeblake made a return to the SMP. Along with them returned Wyvern who became a regular member on the SMP.