Pelicraft currently runs on Purpur, as we found it was best suited for our uses.
We try to keep things as similar to vanilla Minecraft as we can, but some compromises have to be made for the server to run smoothly.
While not enough to effect the average player, our mob spawns are slightly different from vanilla, this may mean some mob farms under perform compared to what you might be able to get in single-player, but this shouldn't be a noticeable difference.
You may have noticed on the Minecraft server that we hide what plugins we use, this is to help limit the risk of players finding exploits we didn't know about.
However we are happy to share all of our workings with you if you're interested, just message Peli.
We've been running for long enough to have tried easily hundreds of different plugins, these days we try to keep things simple, and make our own solutions for simple issues rather than bloating our server with a hundred unoptimised plugins. There are a few public plugins we rely on however, a few notable examples are below.
We recieved a few requests from members of our community for a plugin that allows people to sit down, for social purposes. We tried multiple options to figure out what would work for us but GSit seemed to be the best simple and relatively optimised plugin for this purpose.
We use the plugin Bolt to let players lock their storage. This isn't something we're a big fan of, but giving people the option is always good.
we use Yamipa for displaying images on maps, it is the most consistantly maintained plugin compared to similar alternatives, and it offers features that others don't, such as animated gifs.
We've tried most of the popular web map plugins over the years, but Squaremap has been the most reliable option. It's well optimised, and styled to match a vanilla Minecraft map.
We use CoreProtect for small localised backups, it's not a replacement for a traditional backup system, but it helps alleviate some of the difficulty that comes with fixing the mess people create.